Rocking in the Vineyard Qualifier

Thank you for your interest in registering.

Upon completion of the following you will be directed to the appropriate registration form.


PAYMENT for participation in the Rocking in the Vineyard event is due prior to the event. Unpaid balances 30 days post event are subject to a 5% late fee. By registering for this event  you understand you are responsible for on-time payment and certify that you are authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the billing party.


On registration form, under Guest Registrant Information section, fill in exactly how you wish the invoice addressed: name, address, email address, city, state and zip code. The invoice and event details will be emailed to the individual requested, and copy to you.


IMPORTANT: If INVOICE is to be sent to a second party, I have inserted the correct names and EMAIL address on the registration form, and will follow-up to insure payment is made in a timely manner to avoid late fee.


Guest names should be submitted no later than Friday, MAY 3, 2024. Changes can be emailed to by 5/10. Otherwise guests will be listed at the registration table under your company name.   Tickets will not be issued.


Cancellation requests must be received via e-mail no later than Friday, May 3, 2024 or you will be responsible for the full amount of the fees.


Upon completion of the online registration, you will receive a Thank You page detailing your registration request. A  confirmation EMAIL from the Foundation will be sent confirming your registration: important for those registering to participate in the limited number of beverage stations. If second email not received, please contact the Foundation at Thank you.


I agree to the terms and condidtions above, and will provide complete and accurate billing information on the registration form.